The purpose of this article is to go through a workflow example of using the Panel and Modifying the decline results generated from the Autocast DCA results table.

In this article, we will go through an example workflow using Panel to create groups, save the group of wells to a database, use an Autocast DCA results table to identify the outliers using a Probit Plot, and modifying the decline results and have the re-adjusted declines to a new Autocast DCA results table.

For additional information on Panel documentation, click here.

Requirements – v2.13.0 RAI Spotfire Extension or later.

Preparation – To use this workflow, you will need a Well header table, Monthly Production table and set Limit by Marking on. Configure the visualization properties before going through the steps.

Steps to run

  1. Open the Panel.
    (In the DCA Wrangler Visualization, click Load > Configure DB Connection.)
  2. Set the Database Connection in the Panel.
    (In the Panel, click Database Connection menu > Use the drop-down to select a Database connection.)
    Note: Your Database Connection option will differ.
    If you don’t have a database connection, contact your Spotfire administrator.
  3. Configure the Table Settings inside the Panel.
    (In the Panel, click the Table Setting menu > configure the table settings to match the existing well header data table > click Save.)
    The notification (!) next to Table Setting will disappear once the table settings are configured.
  4. Use the Panel to create a well group from the well header data table.
    ( Click the Home menu in the Panel, open a data table visualization  > Mark a group of wells from the well header data table and create a well group. This will create a well group and be able to refer back to the same group in the later steps.)
  5. Decline the new well group in multi-well mode.
    Note: Before declining, make sure the visualization properties are configured and the mode is in multi-well.
    (In the DCA Wrangler Visualization, click Decline)
  6. In the DCA Wrangler, save the new well group.
    (Save > Type a model name > click SAVE.)
  7. Create a new Autocast DCA results table from the declined wells.
    (After saving the models produce an Autocast DCA result table, click Tables > Configure > check the Well DCA Header, and click Generate / Refresh Table.)
  8. Relate the new Autocast DCA results table with the well header table and click decline.
    (Edit  > Data table Properties > select the well header data table > click Relations > Manage Relations > New > Match the API from the well header table to the Autocast DCA results table > Click OK.)

  9. Use the Probit Plot to identify the Outliers.
    (Tools > Energy Analytics > Probit Plot > In the configuration menu, choose the Autocast DCA table and a column to identify the outlier.)
  10. Select the outliers from the Probit Plot.
     (In the Probit Plot, mark/select the outliers > After marking on the Probit Plot, the DCA visualization will populate with the models selected.)
     If the models do not show on the DCA Visualization, check to see if the visualization properties for the DCA Wrangler is set to "Limit by marking".
     Note: You might have to toggle the mode from multi-well to single mode.
  11. Modify the decline curve to show better results.
    In the DCA Wrangler, fix the declines from the selected Probit plot values.
    Note: Click "F" to change stream.  
    1. Click through each of the DCA well models (In multi-well mode) and adjust the decline using the Curve Editor. In single well mode, > use the shapes  (Qi, B, De ) to readjust and move the decline curve to have a better decline curve. > Click Decline when finished

    2. In the single well mode, input the new decline parameter for each stream. > Click decline when finished.
  12. After modifying the outliers in DCA, switch the mode in the DCA visualization to multi-well mode, then in the Panel select the original group of wells
    CAUTION: Do not decline, this will reset the modified models.
    ( Panel > Home > select the well group name created in step 4) This will reselect the original group that was created from the Panel, so now all the models have good declines.
  13.  Resave the new fixed models to the Database.
    (In the DCA Wrangler visualization, click Save > either create a new model or save over the existing model name from step 6 > Click SAVE)
  14. Now that it's saved inside the Database you can sync the models with good declines if you have the original data table with the visualization properties menu configured.
    ( Sync > Configure > under models, select the models that were saved from the step 13 > click Save.)
  15. Download the Models to the DCA Wrangler Visualization.  
    ( Sync > Download )
  16. Re-decline the downloaded models.
  17. Refresh to generate the new Autocast DCA Table.
    (In the DCA Wrangler click Table  > Refresh.)

Now in the new Autocast DCA Table, there will be newly saved decline models with re-adjusted declines.

Try checking the Probit Plot to make sure there are no other outliers in the newly created Autocast DCA results table. Repeat these steps if necessary.

 For additional information on DCA Wrangler documentation, click here.