The purpose of this article is to explain the properties menu inside Scatterplot Matrix 

Where is the Scatterplot Matrix Properties menu?

When opening the Scatterplot Matrix Visualization, the properties menu is located in the top right corner of the visualization. 

Scatterplot Matrix properties Inputs

  1. General 
    •  Title - Title of the ScatterPlot visualization 
    •  Description: Option to add a description
  2. Data
    • Data Table: Choose a data table for this analysis.
    • Filtering, Marking, or limit by marking.
  3. Appearance
    • Show/Hide Legend
    • Show/Hide Pearson Correlation
    • Show/Hide Tooltips
    • Number of Bin for the Histogram(Traits) - How many bars on the Histogram
    • Text scale - Size of the text ( Pearson Correlation Score and Traits title)
  4. Selection Mode
    •  Choose the Selection Mode (Pointer/Rectangle)
    •  The Pointer selection mode ONLY selects the Histogram(traits) visualization
    • The Rectangle selection mode is able to select both scatterplot and histogram for further analysis. 
  5. Column: Group Selection
    • Choose the column group
    • This setting will specify what to use to distinguish between groups
  6. Column: Trait Selection
    • Number of traits: This is where you can add more traits to your visualization. (Diagonal: Histograms)
    • Note: After changing the "Number of Traits", click Save and then go back into the properties menu to see the new change. 
    • Traits 1,2,3, etc. - These are the traits that are going to be shown in the visualization.
  7. Click Save after selecting all the settings. 

Link for Template example on the portal below:

ScatterPlot Matrix Template Example

For additional information on RAI Scatterplot Matrix documentation, click here