The purpose of this article is to explain Extract Seismic Along Path
To access Extract Seismic Along Path:
1. Click the "Tools", Located on the top bar.
2. Scroll down to "Subsurface"
3. Click "Extract Seismic Along Path"
Data Tables required
- Seismic
- Horizons (optional)
- Path
- Interval
Value required
- X,Y,Z Column Values (main value required)
Option Menu
- Model name
- Radius - radius value
- Seismic range - set the min(-∞) and max(∞) range.
- Seismic value
- Choose to export the Seismic values (Marked)
- Toggle to automatic updates - with export
Seismic Menu
- Data table - Choose the seismic data table
- Volume - Choose the column from the data table that identifies the volume
- For the options X, Y, Zmin, Zmax, Inline, Xline and Value
- Choose the columns from the data table that matches those criteria.
There is an option to choose to enable or disable the horizons.
- Data table - Choose the horizons data table
- Name - Column name identifier for each horizon
- Choose the Columns values for each X, Y, Z
- Max Point Count per Horizon - in this option you can set the max value per each horizon.
- Enable or Disable active filtering
Path Menu
- Data Table - Choose the Path data table
- Name - Column name identifier for each path
- For X, Y, Z, Order - match the columns from the path data table
- Enable or disable active filtering
Interval Menu
- Data table - Choose the Interval data table
- Path Identifier - Choose the column for the path
- For Interval, Top, Bottom - match the columns from the interval data table
- Enable or Disable active filtering.
After configuring each Extract Seismic Along Path menu options click "OK"
For additional information on 3D Subsurface documentation, click here