The Word Cloud visualization for TIBCO Spotfire is a tool used to create Word Clouds in Spotfire that are dynamic and utilize all the best features of Spotfire.

Note: This manual contains information about the functionality of the Word Cloud visualization. For information about functionality with the main Spotfire product, please consult the Spotfire user’s manual.

Data Preparation

The Word Cloud visualization is based on a single data table in Spotfire that contains Word Cloud data types. File formats of any type (txt, csv, and Excel sheets) can be imported into Spotfire and the visualization will pull from that data table. To learn more about importing data tables into Spotfire please refer to the Spotfire user guide.

To create a new Word Cloud visualization it is necessary to provide a table containing both string  data types and continuous data types:

Note: Performance of the Word Cloud visualization can degrade when many data points are sent.

Setup a new Word Cloud visualization

  1. Select File > Insert > New Visualization > Word Cloud
    Response: A new word cloud visualization has appeared.

  2. If this your first time creating a Word Cloud visualization on your machine you will be challenged to enter a license key. This can be configured through the License Manager (Tools menu)

  3. Press the Settings icon in the upper left corner of the visualization to interact with the Word Cloud settings popup.


The data settings window includes:

  • Table - this is the table that Word Cloud visualization will pull from.

  • Limit Markings - selecting one or more marking schemes will limit the data visible to the extension.

  • Filterings - this changes which filters will affect the visualization

  • Group Column - use this dropdown to select the group column for the visualization. This column is more clearly understood as a String variable, in particular a column that is categorical.

  • Size - choose which column will act as the Size by column in the visualization. This column should be a continuous data type like Real, Currency, or Integer

  • Padding - this is the padding between texts