Energy Analytics - DCA


  • Thumbnail tiles now display labels and parameters for Oil and Gas streams.
  • Thumbnail tiles now display an explanatory message when no chart is shown.
  • Renamed property menu fields to more accurately reflect what the DCA Wrangler is looking for.
  • Hotkeys have been added to adjust Dmin values.
  • Columns with 'Liq' in their name will now intelligently map to the oil rate field in the properties menu on initial load.
  • Clicking the Sync Button will now notify you if the database connection is bad or is not set.
  • Improved tooltip format for DCA Visuals.
  • Improved Y-axis format for DCA Visuals.

Bug Fixes

  • Well Id (formerly API) must now be a string type rather than any type.
  • Fixed bug where UI would hang and well(s) would not decline when oil or gas spotfire columns were of integer data type with 0 values.
  • Labels for Di are now correctly displayed as De.
  • In the Normalization options, selecting Local Peak on wells with more than 10 years of production history, the DCA Wrangler will try an End of Life Fit for the decline.
  • Control points for manual editing are removed when the selected stream is turned off.
  • Decline button is now hidden during the initial load of the DCA Wrangler.
  • DCA Wrangler now allows the same table to be set for production and well tables.
  • B value in single well view now displays three significant figures.
  • Declining will now ignore wells that have less than three months of production rather than showing an empty chart.
  • Having null dates will no longer cause the DCA Wrangler hang.
  • Having null values in API key will no longer cause DCA Wrangler to hang.
  • Brackets in column names will no longer cause DCA Wrangler to hang.