
User Panel

The User Panel is where user information is displayed. Clicking on the user's profile picture will take a user to Settings.

Favorites Panel

The Favorites Panel is a board which can be used to create quick access to content the user pins to it. Add to the Favorites Board when pinning items or other boards. Any item pinned to Favorites will show as a link in the sidebar. Clicking on the top bar of the panel will open the Favorites Board on a new page. From there, a user can arrange the links by ordering the pinned items.

Analytics Support Panel

The Analytics Support Panel will send you to the Support page. On the support page, the user can fill out the form and contact Ruths.ai experts directly. 

Get Started Panel

The Getting Started Panel gives a user quick access to Browse all Templates, Make a Board, Learning Resources, and Support.

Featured Boards from My Org Panel

The Featured Board Panel is a collection of curated boards from your organization. Portal Admins can mark boards as featured to show them here.