This is the script I was discussing in class that walks through the visualizations and finds what tables are being used:
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent, VisualTypeIdentifiers
for t in Document.Data.Tables:
tables[t.Name]=Falselocations = ""
for page in Document.Pages:
for visual in page.Visuals:
if visual.TypeId != VisualTypeIdentifiers.HtmlTextArea:
vis = visual.As[VisualContent]()
aTable = vis.Data.DataTableReference.Name
aLocation = " -> ".join([aTable,page.Title,visual.Title])
locations += "\n\t" + aLocation
print "Tables not being used:"
for t in sorted(tables):
if not tables[t]:print "\t",t
print "\nTables being used:"
for t in sorted(tables):
if tables[t]:print "\t",t
print "\nTables in used by:"
print locations