This extension requires the placement of a .key file in the Spotfire Web Player as a resource for IIS. It will be necessary for AppData to be accessible to the IIS feature so that the key file can be located. This key validates the installation of the extension against the license key provided and creates a license cache.
On the Web Player server, open the feature Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from the Server Manager.
Underneath the server, open the Application Pools.
Right click the pool containing the Spotfire Web Player (ex. the default is “TIBCO Spotfire Web Player 6.5.0 Pool”) and select Advanced Settings.
Under the Process Model, set “Load User Profile” to True:
Create the directory: C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Exchangeai
Create the directory: C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Exchangeai\Licenses
Move the key file from the archived directory you downloaded to C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Exchangeai\Licenses
Open the extension .key file and replace the key with the own provided at the time of purchase.
A license key file is the name of the License and “.key” which contains only the characters from the license key. At this time, only one license key can be installed on a web player.
The Exchange.key file is a local credentials cache for licenses on the web player. When a new user tries to use an extension on the web player, the license package will automatically try to authenticate that user using the installed keys.
If the user already has been authenticated, then the local credentials cache is queried.
If the local credentials cache has an invalid license (expired, missing, or incorrect) for the user, the license package will connect to the license web server to authenticate the user. If there are open activations available on the license, then the user will be added to the activation pool and will receive a valid license in the credentials cache.
To clear the license cache, delete the generated Exchange.key.
For a list of activated users, please contact [email protected].